Calculating VA Pro Rata Refunds

(See Notes 1 & 2)

SCHOOL___________________________________ PROGRAM______________

STUDENT__________________________________ FILE # ____________________

The following should be taken from the official school attendance record:

  1. TOTAL PROGRAM HOURS __________ (must match the approved catalog)
  2. TOTAL HOURS ATTENDED __________ (must be the actual hours attended, not scheduled hours)

Divide the hours attended by the total hours in the program to get the applicable pro rata percentage (See Note 1):

(______)_Total hours attended (B)_ = (C) __________
(______) Total program hours (A)

Example: 1528 hour barber program; student attended 323 hours. 323 ÷ 1528 = 0.21; pro rata percentage is 21%


Item Dollar Amount
1. Total tuition charged to the student 1. $_________________
2. Total charges for fees for books, supplies, etc.
(must be identified in the approved catalog and documented on the ledger)
Laboratory Fee___________
2. $_________________
3. Total of lines 1 and 2 3. $_________________
4. If registration fee is less than $10.00, enter that amount here 
If registration fee is more than $10.00, enter $10.00 here
4. $_________________
5. Total amount paid by the student and VA 5. $_________________
6. Subtract line 4 from line 5 6. $_________________
7. Amount in line 5 that covers books, supplies and miscellaneous consumable items issued to the student and non-returnable 7. $_________________
8. Subtract line 7 from line 6 8. $_________________
9. Write the number from C (calculated in the block above) 9. $_________________
10. Multiply line 8 times line 9 10. $_________________
11. Add lines 10, 7, and 4 (amount to be retained by the school) (see Note 2) 11. $_________________
12. Refund due to student  (subtract line 11 from line 5) (See Note 1) 12. $_________________

Refund paid within 40 days after last date of attendance ___ YES ___ NO

CHECK NO. or EFT NOTATION ___________ CHECK/EFT AMOUNT ____________________

Note 1: If the school’s refund policy is more favorable to the student, the school’s policy will be used.
Note 2: This form is optional: The school may charge the student a sum that does not vary more than 10% from the exact pro rata portion of tuition, fees, and other charges that the length of the completed portion of the course bears to its total length.